Find out why Creedons is the best in the business!

Here at Creedons we strive for perfection! However, as be believe perfection is near impossible, we use this as motivation to continue looking at our services, facilities, and team, and pursue opportunities for improvements.
Our facility is state of the art, designed with safety and hygiene as paramount, our services are constantly tweaked to ensure they provide our human and canine customers with a quality experience, and our team are dedicated to upskilling and growing their knowledge.
Creedons Dog Care is the brainchild of Ireland’s leading dog expert Nanci Creedon M.Sc.
Nanci is Ireland’s first certified dog behaviourist, has a masters degree in Animal Behaviour, is a published scientist with dog bite research published in the Irish Veterinary Journal, appears in Irish courts as expert witness, and is a regular on TV both in Ireland and the UK, with her latest tv show Cats and Dogs at War receiving massive support amongst the dog behaviourist industry.
Nanci is also the founder of Creedons College, a nationally accredited and internationally recognised adult education facility here in Cork with both practical classroom courses and online webinar based courses.
Our mantra is to treat each and every dog as though they were our own, and sometimes it seems that this is true!
We are committed to improving the lives of dogs across Munster through daycare, training and more, and we are passionate about improving the bond between dog and owner.