Our Training Classes, Private Sessions, and Packages
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Puppy Group Training Classes 1-hr evening class for 4 consecutive weeks covering all the necessary puppy topics, safe socialisation and behaviour problem prevention

Adult Dog Training Classes 1-hr evening class (max group size 6 dogs) covering loose leash, recall, behaviour problem prevention and more!

Solving On Leash Fear or Aggression Programme This package includes two 1-hr sessions with the trainer and a 90min group workshop.

Puppy Private Training Sessions One to One with our Trainer If you have a new puppy and would like to have one to one time with our trainer then this is for you! Ideal for families with young children too as the whole family can attend.

Adolescent Dog Problem Prevention Package If you are concerned about your teenage hound becoming a teenage tearaway then this training package is for you! Avoid bad habits – and create good habits – NOW to have the perfect adult dog!

Adult Dog One to One Training Sessions with our Trainer Perfect for newly adopted adult dogs, or older dogs who have started to develop training issues such as pulling on the leash, not coming when called, stealing food and so on!

Serious Behaviour Issues Behaviourist Package If your dog is displaying concerning behaviours then this package of 3 sessions with our behaviourist will help you overcome your challenges.

Veterinary Referral Behaviour Modification Nanci Creedon is an approved referral behaviourist by multiple pet insurance companies. Nanci will work closely with your vet to help overcome non-medical behaviour issues.

An Hour with the Expert Accessable and affordable dog training and behaviour advice for all! Click to find out more.